ACM is sustaining the environment. We have a contract with ECOPACK BULGARIA for collecting and hauling of the packaging. The collecting, sorting and the pre-treatment of the waste separately collected are done by the specialized companies, under contract with ECOPACK. They have an experience in the activities with waste, leading positions on the Bulgarian market and possess the necessary licenses and equipment.
We know that 1 ton recycled paper or cartoon save up:
around 13 trees;
2.5 barrels of petroleum;
4100 kilowatt-hours electric power;
4 m3 by the dung-hill volume;
31 780 liters of water.
Directives of European Union for the bubble packs and the wastes from bubble packs:
Directive 94/62/EC, 20 December 1994, on packaging and packaging waste ( pdf 565.15 Kb )
Directive 2004/12/EC, 11 February 2004, amending Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste ( pdf 499.33 Kb )