ACM LTD bg  en Solutions for the power engineering, electrical engineering and telecommunications
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ITC Level 1 Thermography Course ITC Level 1 Thermography Course

Quality Targets


With the implementing of a system for quality management and based on the announced policy on quality we define the following goals of the quality, that we determine as obligation with main meaning on the management and the entire staff at the company:

  • To fulfill the requests and the expectations of our customers and to increase their satisfaction by means of offering a high-quality and  reliable products from affirmed brands and deliverers;
  • To keep good relations with our deliverers and partners. To conduct periodic reports about assignment of expected and present customers and to uninterruptedly study their present and future needs;
  • To meet the requirements of all interested parties - clients, personnel, owners, partners, society;
  • To create a heighten responsibility to the quality of the offered services and continuously effort in the work of our employees;
  • To improve the conditions of work of our employees. Uninterruptedly to better the infrastructure and the working environment;
  • To carry out consistently training of the personnel for increasing its qualification and motivation for commitment to company’s activity. To develop and advance the individual abilities and skills of the personnel;
  • To use efficiently the present resources;
  • To guarantee functioning as well efficient organization in all spheres of our activity. To raise the profitableness of our activity by planning and performance of organizational improvements;
  • To aim for permanent improvement of the procedures in the organization through control and preventive acts;
  • Uninterruptedly to improve and advance the effectiveness and the efficacy of the adopted Quality Management System.